Hicks' ![]()
DAMAGES Wednesday, July 13, 2011 - 11:29am
RETURN TO CLASSIC TV CBS Interactive is launching an official STAR TREK PADD app for the iPhone featuring an authentic reproduction of the LCARS interface as well as an interactive database of STAR TREK information, images and an episode guide. The STAR TREK PADD app costs $4.99. Thought you would like this - here's Dean Martin's Recipe For a Hamburger. TV creator Sherwood Schwartz has died, he was 94 and left an indelible mark on our culture. Whether you enjoyed his brand of humor or not, it was upbeat entertainment. Tuesday, July 12, 2011 - 11:53am
LET'S HAVE (SATURDAY) FUN If you're a fan of The Rat Pack you should 'like' the Facebook page for my new book, Beyond Our Wildest Dreams coming in August (made & printed in America, baby!). On that Facebook page you'll get rare video, photos and stories about Dean, Frank & Sammy. Speaking of which, this is a spectacular site dedicated to Dean Martin, ilovedeanmartin.com. Now that the Green Lantern movie has tanked let's go back to 1967, almost 45 years ago (!) for this Filmation cartoon from Saturday mornings. For some reason they replaced Hal Jordan's insulting sidekick Pieface with a look-a-like pointy eared alien named Cairo. And apparently yellow isn't an issue for GL but then these crude cartoons were miles behind the comic book storylines in terms of complexity and character development. They were just so pointless.
Saturday, July 9, 2011 - 8:23am
Here's another - Bob Hope's salute to the Palace Theater complete with bloopers. After listening to some radio programs I can see where Bob Hope didn't change much from radio to TV, just slowed everything down a bit.
All My Children and One Life to Live are set to end on ABC but the network will continue to produce the hour long soaps - but you'll be able to watch them online through whatever device you use to watch TV sans cable Speaking of which - Netflix is now enabled for your Android phone and it's amazing. For just the price of one DVD at a time ($8.00?) you get unlimited watching. They're adding lots of titles every day, it looks like, but right now you can have the entire run of The Andy Griffith Show, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Twilight Zone, all the Star Trek series and movies galore. Awesome! Friday, July 8, 2011 - 7:35am
BACK FROM THE BREAK I also hinted at a film I made last weekend - here it is, made for the 48 Hour Film Festival where folks all over the country have 48 hours to write, film and edit a film that competes against the others for a prize or two. The way it works - everyone reaches into a bowl and blindly picks a genre (Western, musical, we got Dark Comedy), is given a character name (Don Hastert) and that person has to be a plumber. Other than that it's up to the team to create something interesting. I actually like this one better than most of the others I've done - for one it's a comedy! Reminds me of one of those Night Gallery vignettes. The Brownward Spiral:
Photographer Lucas Butchart has a new photography website: www.jlbphotograph.com It's a place where he sells photos as well as my photography services, which are right now located in France. Monday, July 4, 2011 - 7:05am
Past CLASSIC TV Blog Entries: Tommy Bond / Discovered George Carlin Routine / John Wayne Loves America / Kenneth Williams / Dating Game / Sunday Morning TV / Make Room For Granddaddy / Car 54 Where Are You? PR4 & PR5 Pages for ads - CHEAP! TELEVISION FOREVER - TV Shows on DVD Reviews, Television's Greatest - local & national TV kid shows