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LUCY SHOW One of my favorite color episodes (the black & whites are generally better) is 'Lucy's Substitute Secretary' with guest Ruta Lee. It's silly but Lucy and her cast had a way of sailing over the material. Let's You Tube Lucy as she transforms into Mad Margo to stop a femme fatale from stealing her job.
You can clearly hear Lucy's mother and husband comedian Gary Morton laughing hysterically at her entrance. Tuesday,
March 10, 2009 - 12:05pm
THE MAILBAG I've gone back and corrected this - thanks Ben! Ray Ferrer writes to complain: "I am an avid reader of your TVParty blog (I check it every day!) and was disappointed to see that you posted videos from Shirley Q. Liquor. Now, the comedian who plays her has the right to perform anything he wants, but so much of his act is poking fun at black people from an outsider's perspective (he is white) that it strikes me as out and out minstrelsy. He is a white man who performs in blackface drag as a black woman. It's a bit much for 2009, in my opinion! "I
was asked to perform with him at a comedy night in San Jose once until
I did a bit of web research on him and found out that he's quite offensive
when you put his performances in context. His shows are often protested
by gay and lesbian people of color. As a gay Latino man, I had no interest
in sharing the stage with him then, and really hope not to see his work
celebrated on general audience websites now. I urge you not to provide
him with a distribution outlet - but of course, it's your blog and your
decision. Ouch! The crazy thing is I don't disagree with Ray! So apologies all around and thanks for not sending one of those "I hate you now and won't have anything more to do with you" emails! Then again, 'If I was a White Lady' makes fun of white folks who sit around and watch The Price Is Right. Guess what I was doing yesterday at 11:00. I had no idea this performer actually performs in blackface, that is a bit much. I appreciate you guys keeping me honest, mob rules! Millenia writes: "Dear Billy, I hope you are well. I'm writing because I've just launched a social networking site very similar in content to your TV Party site and need some help promoting it and building a membership. Would you be kind enough to help? I have no experience, just am an old soul, had a great idea I thought there'd be a large audience for and decided to move ahead with it. "I also wanted to invite you to make a home for yourself at decadesilove.com. Kaloupek notes: "A comment about 'Laugh Tracks' (http://www.tvparty.com/laugh.html) : I'm 52 years old, and remember when I was a teenager (1971, according to my research today) on The Odd Couple they did an experiment, leaving the laugh track off one episode and asking the TV audience to respond. There's more on this here." Finally, "Dear Billy, I just bought 5 Papermate pens in a pack and not a damn one of them works!" Please, only write to me with your questions about TV shows and thermonuclear dynamics. Tuesday,
March 10, 2009 - 10:55am
The routine that ignited this performer online - 'Ebonics Airways.' I know it's wrong but it's too funny!
March 8, 2009 - 9:00am
REVIEW I totally missed hearing anything about this movie previously so I went in with an open mind and had a blast, at least with the first 2/3 of the film. This is one hell of a funny film, at least most of it is. Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead) is marvelous as plucky Brit Sidney Young, a muck racking pseudo journalist, full time nutter who accepts a job at a high tone fashion magazine in New York City. Jeff Bridges turns in another masterful performance as Sidney's mercurial boss and dogged antagonist, fans of 'The Dude" should check out this role. You'll bust a gut at Sidney's vulgar, totally inappropriate remarks, his disgusting expectorations, and his nonexistent fashion sense. (He shows up on the first day at work in a T-shirt that reads: "Young, Dumb and full of cum.") If you enjoyed Pegg in Shaun of the Dead - and who didn't - you'll love this over the top portrayal, this masterful comic actor has a spectacular way of coming across as likeably deranged, pleasingly unpleasant. After a nice start and a hilarious middle this movie sinks desperately into romantic quicksand, a gummy plot turn that destroys any good will the film has built up. It's a naked attempt to make Sidney more appealing but his daft persona is what made the film so fresh and funny in the first place. I suggest when you watch this one you switch it off after it starts to get mushy, when Kirsten Dunst starts falling in love with an impossibly misogynist cretinous twit for no discernable reason. This DVD has commentary tracks with Robert Weide and Simon Pegg. There's also behind the scenes mini-doc that has interviews with the cast and director. Refreshing, quirky, definitely recommended. Saturday,
March 7, 2009 - 2:22pm
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