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GOOD NEWS & BAD - Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner says that series may end after six seasons; I just finished watching season 3 on DVD, the show just gets better and better. Mad Men returns to AMC July 25. - Leonard Nimoy is retiring. When was the last time someone in show business announced that they were retiring? Frank Sinatra in the 1970s would be my guess, and that was a big boost to his career - when he came out of retirement two years later. Hmmm, the new Star Trek movie is two years away... - Michael Douglas' son got 5 years in prison for his drug issues. - Finally got around to watching the Land of the Lost movie. Gaaaak! Why do they keep making lousy films out of TV shows? - Speaking of which, look for Stretch Armstrong in movie theaters next year based on the stretchy toy from the 1970s & '80s. - A movie I am enjoying now - The Out-of-Towners with Jack Lemmon and Sandy Dennis from 40 years ago. - Ron Howard's Parenthood has been picked up for season 2. - A U.S. version of Britain's hit show Top Gear is on its way to the History Channel hosted by Rescue Me star Adam Ferrara, stunt driver Tanner Foust and racing analyst Rutledge Wood. - Curb Your Enthusiasm has been renewed for another 10 episodes by HBO; it's the network's longest-running scripted series. Yeah! Wednesday, April 21, 2010 6:00am
Sometimes stars apppear before the camera and it's clear they've had a few too many. This was true back in the day when the legends still roamed the earth. Here's some raw footage of Joan Crawford in 1968 getting off an airplane and she's a bit sloppy. "I always pick up children."
I've got another Blog going at BestofTVblog.com - more entertainment news and past postings from this site. You can waste some time today reading and watching stuff there; you'll find articles and visual entertainment so lightweight they fairly float off the screen. Sometimes stars apppear before the camera and it's clear they've had a few too many. This was true back in the day when the legends still roamed the Earth. Here's some raw footage of Joan Crawford from 1968 getting off an airplane and giving an interview - she's a bit sloppy. "I always pick up children" - ?!?
Gosh, people don't get drunk like that anymore do they? Where they purr like a kitten? Not the drunks I know! You could win a framed display featuring a cape swatch worn by TV's Superman George Reeves. Tuesday, April 20, 2010 7:10am
SEGUE SUNDAY It reminded me to search again for The Manhattan Transfer TV show, I've never been successful before but lo and behold someone just last month loaded most of the the songs from that musical series onto the Tube. The Manhattan Transfer had a spectacular summer TV series in 1976 filling in for Cher. One of the regular segments was an old-time gospel song sung in their harmonious swinging be-bop style. I remember taping the tunes off of those four shows with an 8-Track recorder and driving around for a couple of years singing along with them. (I did a lot of driving then. Today I know the lyrics to hundreds of standards but what good does that do me?) Since it's the Sabbath, for some of us, let's take a listen to 'In A Little While'.
Lastly a tune that was on The Manhattan Transfer's first album and the song they closed the series with - 'Operator'. Better nail down the floorboards for this one!
The group closed their first three shows with a little ditty called 'Sunday' originally recorded by Jean Goldkette & His Orchestra. If you were watching in 1976 the next sound you would have heard would have been the opening to the Bicentennial Minute.
Oh, you wanna hear the original, with vocals by the Keller Sisters? That's the version you remember from the 1920s? Here you go old timer...
Sunday, April 18, 2010 7:10am
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