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BROTHER DAVE GARDNER STORIES I have been a fan of Brother Daves for many years. I remember back in the late 50's when he played at the Candlelight Inn in North Baton Rouge and i was too young to get in....Much later in life i did stand up and had the pleasure of meeting many of the greats, however i missed meeting Dave by three lousy days. I was in Alaska and returned to Houston to do a gig...Running into one of my younger comic friends that was MCing at an off the wall comedy club in not so great an area informed me that some old gray haired guy had drropped by 3 nights previous and said he would like to sit in...Needless to say the 'old' crowd knew him and he did a 45 minute set..I tried to find him but no luck...Not too long after I heard he had died..I do know his old road manager and keep in touch. His name is George Colton and he is 72. He would love to hear from daves' kids if anyone knows where they are...Let me hear from you Clara King princess@alaska.net
Came home from work tonight to find the world's best internet surfer (my wife) telling me I had e-mail, a surprise. She's heard me "do" Dave forever (I'm sure she's had enough) and she found your site. What a great find this is! I was introduced to Dave's stories as a freshman at UNC in 1960. I had all the albums, and could repeat, word for word, every skit: the first rock and roll artist, Julius Caesar, Miz Baby and the backward leather jacket, Elvis's new song "Doan never, doan never, doan never, sometime, wontchu, doit", and all the rest. Dave helped me through school, and through play. I was greatly saddened a few years ago to hear of Dave's passing. Please tell me I mis-heard that news. Does the existance of this web site say Dave's still with us (and with it)? Dave, if you're there, thanks for the happy, funny times. Say a prayer for Brother Dave, y'all!! Love ya, man Bob Macaulay Bobbymac@novagate.com
great page! I love bro dave and have a new website dedicated to him www2.arkansas.net/~bmathis not much there yet, but im working on it let me know what ya think ________________________________________________________________________ I'm Rejoicin' . . . . . . to find another BDG page! Check out mine at: http://www.concentric.net/~Debnbill/Bdg1.html Debora Kerr Tempe, AZ
My brother and I listened to Bro. Dave Gardner Albums back in the late 60's and early 70's and LOVED it! Are there any recent albums or tapes that you could tell me about? dhardy@sens.net [ home
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us ] Searching Hello, My name is David Harbuck. I am from Savannah GA. I also grew up listening to Dave Gardner. I found an album of his at a junk store & was going to give it to my father, who has been looking for Dave Gardner stuff for some time now! When I went looking for the album, my wife informed me she had sold all the albums at a yard sale. I would like to find at least one recording of any kind to give my father for Christmas. Any help you could give would be appreciated... Thank you for your time
Harbuck DHarbuck@aol.com
My name is Janis, I have been enjoying Brother Dave since I was very young, and I now have a couple of his albums. I have wondered for some years if he is still alive - what happened to him - why there was a few albums and then nothing. I feel that his humor is unique - there is no one else who speaks with such warmth and "home-body intimacy". Foxworthy is just informing the "ignorant public" of the interesting peculiarities of Redneck-ness; he does not have the easy-going surety of Dave, who was secure in himself. If you know any of his story, I'd appreciate your sharing...
jd Donaldson, Janis S. janisd@deq.state.la.us
I am trying to find stuff on brother dave gardner..but all I get is stuff about BOX. What is BOX? and who wrote the blurb about dave on the front page of the website? I am trying to find someone who was close to dave in his last years. can you help me? ecL2222@aol.com
I appreciate your page regarding Bro. Dave.... I spent many hours listening to Dave remind me how wierd we all are (or can be at times) and reminders to Rejoice, Dear Hearts............. James K Martin jkmartin@preferred.com
Greetings and Salutations!!! We were introduced to Bro. Dave Gardner by our Uncle. At best we believe we were about five years old when "Miss Baby" became the first love of my life - comedy-wise. Some decades later, we were looking through his hi-fi collection and found the dust jacket to Rejoice, Dear Hearts!---but no record album. Alas, the pain! Just a few months ago, we found a CD with Rejoice, Dear Hearts! and Kick Thy Own Self. What a thrill. Although our own children are in their late teens and early adulthood--we have introduced them to "classic comedy"! Long live the memory of Bro. Dave. mark l.buckley
Hiya! I just visited your web site regarding "Brother Dave Gardner". My dad is a very big fan of his and I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction to find the original albums Dave recorded. My dad had all of his albums at one time, but due to my and my brothers childishness over the years they have been destroyed. He likes to talk about listening to those albums and I thought it would be a wonderful gift that I could get for him if I could just find them, in any form-- album, cassette, or if they have ever be re-released on CD. Thanks for the time and trouble of reading this message.
Tidwell mtidwel@bellsouth.net
I am new to the Internet, but my husband and myself ARE NOT new to Brother Dave. We have 12 of his albums and he was a part of our teens and still a part of our lives because of his unique form of expression. We do not have the statistics of when he died, I remember when it happened but I am unable to put a year on it. We will be glad to share any information that we have. Our albums have been transferred to cassette. I could provide a list of the albums that we have if needed. We are both Georgia born Southerners and we take pride in our heritage. When I told him of finding Brother Dave on the Internet, he said, "maybe there is hope for this country!" Mary Donna Harris mdharris@hankins.com
Hi there Any more bio info on Brother Dave on the way? I have five of his albums, the first of which was "Rejoice" from my Dad's record collection (sound familiar?) The rest I paid dearly for at collector's vinyl shops over the last ten years or so. There are many of us out here who would like to know if he is still alive and what he's been up to! Thanks for a great page on a forgotten genius... melba@fringeware.com [ home
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us ] Howdy, Jimbo!! Glad the info was useful. Yes, okay to use my name. Saw the postings via DejaNews, via Yahoo, per keyword search, "Brother Dave Gardner." That's great that Bro Dave is getting so much attention. I wish he were around to receive it. He was some cosmic dude!! I'm attaching a "doctored"/spookified image, and the "normal" image of Bro Dave that I scanned from one of the obituaries. It was copied from newspaper microfilm, and unless the film image is fairly decent to begin with (his wasn't), obtaining any kind of quality is difficult. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Regards, Jim Wheat 1202 Oriole Garland, TX 75042 jwheat@cyberramp.net "Listen, if you want me to make any sense, you'll have to wait till I shut up!"
Does anyone know what happened to Brother Dave Gardner? I have several of his tapes but it seems he dropped off the earth. I would appreciate any info anyone has on him> tks John Blakeney
Sad to say, but Bro. Dave died in 1983. He was making a film called "Chain Gang" at the time. I guess those Yankee cigarettes got him. I started collecting his albums and have 6 different ones and would like to obtain his other 7. You can check for titles in Goldmine Comedy Record Price Guide. I bought it from a book dealer at a flea market in Louisville, Ky. If you have any leads to finding any more of his albums, let me know. John Silver
Bro. Dave went home to be with the Lord several years ago (I am guessing 6 or 7). He made a brief comeback in the 80's at a few southern nightspots. He was indeed "one of a kind" and very original. I considered him WAY ahead of his time. Like Bro.Dave I am a fanatic without a cause and I believe in it! If you are interested in trying to obtain some old recordings look on the HotPlatters web site and bid on some of their stock. (Do a search with Yahoo!) Good luck and remember; Gratitude is riches, complaint is poverty; and the worst I ever had was wonderful!
I have found some of Bro. Dave' albums at flea markets in South Ga and N. Fla. Sadly they are not in good condition Phillip Hoffman
I've been a Bro Dave fan since the early 60's and his appearance on the Jack Paar TV show. I saw him perform in Memphis once about 1969 or 70. "Gratitude is riches, and complaint is poverty and the worst I ever had was wonderful!" Leonard Boehm ESSAY MAILBAGS [ home ] [ audio ] [ discography ] [ opeds ] [ congregation ] [ obituaries ] [ email us ]