Deputies Don and Dennis : the Loss of Two TV Legends
TV Legends Add For a long time, we classic TV junkies got our fix from syndication. Then, the TVLand channel launched and gave us a golden opportunity to revisit our favorite small screen legends in the shows that made them famous. But increasingly (and surprisingly), TVLand's biggest competition in that regard is now coming from networks and basic cable, and the programs are brand new.
Meanwhile, M*A*S*H veteran G.W. Bailey is a regular on The Closer. Sally Field, Bob Newhart, and a host of other TV legends has been admitted to ER. And speaking of Sally and Bob, she headlined this year in Brothers and Sisters, and Bob co stars with Noah Wylie in TNT's Librarian.
It's nice to see today's hit shows turn to TV veterans for two reasons. First of all, it's fun to watch our favorite stars of yesterday taking on new roles. And, second, it's nice to see today's top producers putting television pioneers back to work, while taking steps to increase prime time employment opportunities for men and women over 50. In a recent edition of TV Guide, Desperate Housewives creator Marc Cherry waxes nostalgic about how Dixie Carter gave him a break when he was a lowly assistant and furniture mover. Later, he was in a position to coax Dixie back to television (absent from series work since Oscar winner Paul Haggis' Family Law), and demonstrate his affection and respect for his former employer.
Back in August my wife Pam and I spent the afternoon at Boston Legal (courtesy of super producer Janet Leahy) and I was astonished at Shatner's energy level. And despite rumors of his legendary ego, he let Pam occupy his director's chair that day and was generous with his time, which, for Bill, is a precious commodity given his drive to stay busy 24/7.
Likewise my friend, producer Greer Shephard has a feel for the value of recycling (and paying homage to) talent. It was her Dad who gave former film star Angela Lansbury her television break with Murder She Wrote, and it was Greer's company who called upon Bailey and Daniels to sweeten The Closer. Yes, Hollywood is replete with producers still going through puberty who have no idea what contribution these and other TV legends have made to the industry. But it is rewarding to see creators and showrunners like Kelley, Leahy, Shephard, John Wells (ER), Joel Surnow (24), Don Bellisario (NCIS) and Cherry show their respect to TV royalty, and take advantage of what these veteran performers have to offer.
We all want to be remembered for our body of work, no matter our profession. And thanks to a batch of today's top flight (and reverent) producers, we can watch lots of distinguished actors and actresses plying their trade and expanding their horizons at an advanced age, giving us not one, but multiple TV series to remember them by. DVDs of great TV series past and present can make a great gift for the holidays. The legendary stars in them are a gift for all time. |