170,000 unique users a month 380,000 visitors a month 1,800,000
page views a month Our audience loves classic TV and pop culture - they're people who have cable television, go to the movies and spend money on the Internet. A good portion of our audience is between 30-55 - you can reach those boomers with fat wallets! More than 3,000 other websites and homepages link to TVparty. Multimedia advertising opportunities: We can integrate Banner ads, Skyscraper ads, Pop-ups, Text Links and Sponsored Contest Promotions. We also offer Audio Ads - extend your campaign with a fifteen-second (:15) "brought to you by" spot that streams immediately before TVparty video clips play (video available, too). TVparty has a large, engaged audience: You can reach hundreds of thousands of people for just a few thousand dollars! Now in our EIGHTH year, TVparty is one of the most trusted brand names on the Internet. A rich digital environment: TVparty integrates award-winning content with your marketing goals. Your ads also appear on all pages of TVparty PLUS, the premium service that users must pay to access. This gives you an opportunity to reach hundreds of people who have recently used their credit cards to purchase classic TV content. Impulse buyers! You
can get full coverage for If TVparty looks like it would appeal to your core demographic, CONTACT ME NOW and let's get to work. Current advertisers: NextCard Visa, Columbia House Video, Johnny Carson Media, Airborne Health, Amazon.com, Golden Books and others.
(To the right is a graph of our audience numbes since May. See a trend?!?) What the PEOPLE say: I got excited when I saw TVparty on the news! This is one kick ass site! Thanks a lot for helping me and my parents and sibs bring back a lot of happy TV memories! - Michele Best example I have seen of how the web can create a new entertainment medium. A network channel couldn't do what you have done here, and it wouldn't work as well. This web site is destined to be insanely popular. Can't remember the last time I spent over an hour on any one site. The clips are what put it over the top! Congrats! Keep digging up the fun old stuff! - Mike Richan Thank you! No, thank God for you! A lump gathers in my throat as I write you this morning. As with many boomers and post boomers (I'm a 70's PB'r) I long for the innocence of my childhood. The simple things that made us laugh, the campy things that made us excited, and the melancholy things that made us cry came to us via the television. - Ron Chewinski I got on the computer at 7pm tonight to catch up on some work - it's now 2am and I haven't done a damn thing but surf your site -- thanks for a wonderful evening. - Sincerely, Jennifer H |
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