by Billy Ingram
After years away from comics Steranko returned in 1972-73 illustrating a series of random covers for Marvel, everything from westerns to horror to the Fantastic Four. While they lacked the intricate trippiness of his 1960s work they were all dynamic layouts superbly drawn. And he would did covers for two consecutive issues and that was it.

SHANNA THE SHE DEVIL #1 & #2 (1972) - Two gorgeous Steranko covers kicked off this series.

CREATURES ON THE LOOSE #21 & #22 (1973) - These 1973 Steranko covers were far removed from the normal Marvel comics of 1972 where gape mouthed heroes and villains slugged it out to the death all drawn in the John Buscema style.

FANTASTIC FOUR #130 & #131 - (1973) - Notice all of these Marvel covers were released during the end of 1972 and the beginning of 1973. These two were inked by FF inker Joe Sinnott who did some knockout work with Steranko a few years earlier on Shield.

It was a pleasant surprise to see so many Steranko covers on Marvel comics during this short period - then no more!


TEX DAWSON GUNSLINGER #1 (Jan 1973) - Western reprint one-shot that I had to buy for this illustration. |
SUPERNATURAL THRILLERS #2 (1973) - My favorite of Steranko's 1970's Marvel work. Sadly, the interiors of these books was nowhere near the quality of the covers of the first two issues of this title.


DOC SAVAGE #3 (1973) - There were two stunning Steranko covers (#2 & 3) for this so-so comic.
NICK FURY AND HIS AGENTS OF SHIELD #2 (1973) - Steranko returned to his signature character for 2 new covers over reprints from the sixties.
A short but sweet return
to Marvel for Jim Steranko!

1970s Jim Steranko Comic Book Covers

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