While Ron Howard was co-starring weekly on The Andy Griffith Show he appeared to be also starring in his own variety show at age 11-years old, complete with grade school hoofers ala The June Taylor Dancers (The Jackie Gleason Show), a big name guest star, and a little girl named Donna Butterworth who belts out a rousing version of ‘Sitting On Top of the World.’
I say ’appeared to’ because, in reality, this was a segment on ‘The Danny Kaye Show.’ Kaye was one of Hollywood’s most hated performers, at least in terms of the people that worked for or around him. I never warmed to his talents personally but this is pretty funny.
At this point TAGS was in its 5th season. Ronny Howard handles himself remarkably well - and look for his brother Clint Howard (Gentle Ben) in the role of a gangster. Great stuff.
Ron and Clint Howard have a memoir released in 2021 that covers their growing up in the television and movie industry called ‘The Boys.’ Enjoy this long interview with the brothers.
Also in 1966, at 10-years old, Donna Butterworth starred with Elvis Presley in ‘Paradise - Hawaiian Style.’