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Check out this collection of commercials from the early-1970s. It certainly is indicative of how much marketing - and life in America - has changed. For better or worse is for you to decide.
The commercial jingle was around 50 years old then, the first ever musical ditty written for a product is considered to be General Mill’s “Have You Tried Wheaties?”, a commercial first heard on the radio on Christmas Eve of 1926. The seventies was a veritable golden age for commercial jingles and there are several represented here. You may not have heard these jingles in decades but, if you grew up in that era as I did, you can’t forget them. Examples found here: “Free-Wheelin’” Ford trucks, “Oh those Golden Grahams”, “I like to take a ride very high in the sky with my 3 Musketeers” candy bar, Speed Burners toy cars, “Give me the Cambell life” for Cambell’s soup, “It’s so nice to feel, so good about a meal, so good about Kentucky Fried Chicken”, Carefree Sugarless Gum, “Magically delicious” Lucky Charms. There’s also a promo for a short lived sitcom on ABC called the San Pedro Beach Bums, a half season wonder that ran only 11 episodes.
1970s commercial jingles