READ MORE ABOUT THE MIGHTY HERCULES! Hercules Ruled! Easily my favourite animated series for weeks if not months. Rounding out your character roster, I'll mention Herc's girlfriend Helena, Newton's sidekick "Toot" who communicated via pan-pipes alone. Besides Daedalus, Hercules had to worry about "The Mask" and the sultry yet evil Wilamena. Give me three or four jerky frames a minute of The Mighty Hercules over the steroid-bloated, effeminate Disney clown any day. Great site, keep it up! Thank you for printing the lyrics to the Hercules theme. My brothers and I used to watch it everyday after school. It was shown as one of the segments on a local kid's program called "Johnny's Follies" on WVUE in New Orleans. I didn't think anybody else remembered this cartoon until I heard it mentioned on the Canadian comedy series, "The Kids in The Hall." During a monologue about gay couples by Buddy (Scott Thompson), the last pairing he mentions is "Hercules and Newt." When the audience laughed, I knew even people in Toronto were familiar with the show. - David Bush When I was a kid, Mighty Hercules used to play on a show called "Boomtown" starring Rex Trailer, which was a western-type kid's show. My sister and I used to love that cartoon and would play-act it all the time. Now, some 30 years later, it was always lingering in the back of my mind, when I happened to pick up a toy selling newspaper and the Mighty Hercules board game was being auctioned off for a minimum bid of $650!! So much for that . . . - Ken Paruti
Materials on this page Thanks Ken!
My first experience with Hercules was as an oft-stoned college student in Dallas in the mid-1980s. Channel 27 had a Felix the Cat / Mighty Hercules hour, which fit in nicely with my strict regimen of blowing off classes while watching mindless television. Of course, the best thing about it is the utter cheesiness. This was lost on my girlfriend, who thought I was just sitting around watching stupid cartoons, when in fact I was, um, well, OK, that's what I was doing. But still. Hercules was the beginning of the end for that relationship, but even though she still doesn't get it, we remain friends to this day. - W. Evans
Around 1976, the series disappeared entirely from the airwaves in Montreal and wasn't seen again until channel 12 dug out the grainy old prints and ran them at 6:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings in 1992. Thankfully, a company called "Alan Enterprises" bought the series shortly thereafter and re-syndicated it with crisp, clean new prints. Herc never looked so good! YTV (Canada's national cartoon cable network) picked up the series aound 1994-95 and broadcast it from coast-to-coast for the first time in nearly 20 years which gave me a chance to re-live some truly wonderful childhood memories. - Daren Gleason TV
on DVD
from viewer 'Ann'
The whole thing was quite ancient-Greek looking, and drew from mythology for many of the other characters. I was watching it around 1964-66, and my friends remember it being sometime between 1963 and 1967. Two of us saw it in the Washington D.C. area, the other in north central Connecticut.
Clearly you are wise and well-connected. Please help. Thanks! - Ann
Thanks for the memories, Ann.
That little gnome used to drive me crazy repeating everything with that high-pitched annoying yelp. He screamed "Herc! Herc!" as often as officer Tootie said "Ooh! Ooh!" on 'Car 54, Where are you?'. But I was compelled to keep watching, I don't know why.
Like another DC character (Green Lantern), Hercules derives his strength from a ring given to him by his father Zeus. Because of the five minute running time, there wasn't room for a lot of character development, another similarity to the Sixties' Superman. Hercules couldn't fly, so at the end of each segment he was usually shown running off into the distance or jumping off a cliff, shouting his trademark "Olympia!"
And it did, Ann, until you brought it up again. I afraid you'll be hearing from Disney's lawyers! "Now come on and admit that when you were in 4th and 5th grade that old Hercules was pretty cool stuff, for me it was 1965-66. "Then in about 1975 it was rerun on KHJ channel 9 in Los Angeles before the birth of my oldest son. He would wake up early, and I would watch it and reminisce about my childhood. I have been looking for Hercules on videos and on cartoon shows for years. Besides, do you remember that Johnny Nash sang the '70s hit I Can See Clearly Now? - Linda Collins "Why hasn't anyone mentioned the all-but-obvious homosexual subtext to the original animated Hercules?
"I remember watching Hercules as a kid on Johnny's Follies on WVUE in New Orleans and being somewhat disturbed by the whole thing - even at that young age I could tell something was different about this cartoon. "I remember one episode where the Prince was dying and one of the physicians said that only the fruit of the lotus could save him, and the other physician said something like "Where can that fruit be?" and then it cuts to Hercules walking along with Newt.
- M.O.T.O. "I used to love that cartoon ! "I was in nursery school at the time, growing up in Connecticut. I loved to watch it while eating a grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of soup (Liptons - umm umm good!) "I worshipped Hercules so much that I named my new pet Guinea Pig after him! My mom also brought home a female G.P to keep "Herc" company, I named her "Sharon". They made a lovely couple. Well, Hercules the Guinea Pig also "had the strength of ten, ordinary men" too, and apparently the labido to match, because he spent more time on top of Sharon than I spent watching teevee! My parents would sheepishly skirt the subject when I asked what they were doing. "Anyway, good old Hercules eventually loved poor Sharon to death, she died from too much of Hercules's lovin'. Poor Hercules missed his wife so much that he too died within a month of his dearly departed. "Thats
how I remember the Hercules cartoon."